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平潭追泪计划 | 解锁你的星辰大海!

时间:2024-07-15 11:38来源:编辑

Discover Blue Tears in Pingtan Island‼️

You must experience the magical scene of blue tears falling into the world when you visit Pingtan Island 💧. It is definitely worth the effort as it is unparalleled to anything on earth. However, ladies, make sure you have a plan and experience the thrill for yourselves (it's not easy to catch the tears!).

❓What are blue tears?
💧 Blue tears are a type of marine creature, such as sea fireflies and bioluminescent algae. When they are hit by the waves, they emit a blue light that looks like tears, hence the name "blue tears". The appearance of blue tears makes the entire ocean look like a sea of stars and a vast galaxy, which is incredibly romantic.
💙What are manual/automatic blue tears?
Level 1: Manual light, or wave tip light
Level 2: Manual bright light, or wave tip short wave
Level 3: Occasionally, complete blue wave appears
Level 4: Large amount of complete blue waves appear continuously
Level 5: The entire ocean is filled with blue waves
(‼️When the index reaches level 4 or above, it is the best viewing time)

⏰When to catch the blue tears:
Blue tears in Pingtan Island are generally seasonal and are most likely to appear from March to May. This is the best time to try and catch them successfully.
🎈Conditions for an outbreak: When there is a southern wind, the temperature is around 21-25°C, the air humidity is high, and the tide is rising.
Blue tears tend to explode between April and June, with levels ranging from 3 to 5.
They have a chance of appearing between 21:00 and 2:00. It is recommended to go at around 9 p.m. (for reference).
PS: Mainly based on tidal time

📍Where to catch the blue tears:
Northern line: Moleng village, Lanpan village, Nanaozi, Yutang village, and Maotouqian
Southern line: Tannan Bay, Tianmeiao, and Dragon King's Head Beach
The appearance of blue tears is random and depends on where the seaweed is blown by the sea breeze. The probability of the appearance of blue tears is higher in the northern part of the island.
As the places where blue tears appear tend to be congested, if the distance is not too far, it is recommended to use a motorcycle. If the distance is far, drive a four-wheeled vehicle to the entrance of the village and walk inside.

🎈The blue tears hunters'tools:
“Changyoupingtan” mini-program
This mini-program provides the blue tears' probability in different locations for the past three days. When the probability is higher than 75%, you can see the blue tears! You can choose different locations with different probabilities and go to the location with the highest probability!
Pingtan Island's transportation and meteorological services mini-program
Provides a probability of blue tears and starry sky for the next five days
Enter→Tourism weather→Blue tears

1️⃣For friends riding electric bikes, many blue tears chasing spots do not have lights, so be careful when driving at night.
2️⃣The beach is darker at night and tends to be crowded and chaotic, so be careful, stick to your companions, and do not go to remote and deserted areas.
3️⃣The beach is windy, so be sure to bring a windproof jacket, mask, and rain boots. Do not go far from the shore.

Finally, to catch the blue tears, you need good weather, good location, and good company. If you are not confident, you can find a local guide. I wish you all can see the wonderful blue tears 💧💧.