

时间:2024-08-28 15:01来源:编辑

The kiwifruit of Jianning

Introduction to Jianning Kiwifruit

Jianning County is located in an inland mountainous area with excellent natural ecological conditions. The wild kiwifruit is abundant in the mountains and the cultivated kiwifruit not only grows vigorously but also has early fruiting, large fruit size, high edible content, and high quality.

What is the nutritional value of Jianning Kiwifruit?

Kiwifruit not only contains organic compounds such as kiwifruit alkali, protein hydrolytic enzymes, tannin pectin, and sugars, as well as trace elements and 17 amino acids required by the human body, such as calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and germanium. It also contains rich vitamins, citric acid, fructose, malic acid, and fats. Among the top 26 fruits consumed in the world, kiwifruit has the most comprehensive and richest nutrients, including the highest Vc, Mg, and trace elements.

What are the product characteristics of Jianning Kiwifruit?

The berry is generally elliptical in shape. The black and hairy skin is generally not edible, while the bright green flesh and a row of black seeds are inside. The texture of the kiwifruit is soft, and the taste is sometimes described as a mixture of strawberry, banana, and pineapple. It is named kiwifruit because monkeys like to eat it, or it is named after the fur on the skin looks like a monkey.

What is the history of Jianning Kiwifruit?

As early as the "Book of Songs" in BC, there was a record of kiwifruit:

"Chang Chu, kiwifruit was formerly called Chang Chu."

"Xiyu has changchu", "The branches of kiwifruit are like monsters, and they are lush and verdant. The son of music is ignorant."

"Xiyu has changchu", "The flowers of kiwifruit are like monsters, and they are lush and verdant. The son of music has no home."

"Xiyu has changchu", "The fruits of kiwifruit are like monsters, and they are lush and verdant. The son of music has no house."

How to make Jianning Kiwifruit?


Kiwifruit contains fruit acid, which can make the skin soft, bright, and have a good cleaning effect.

Ingredients: 1 kiwifruit, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil


1. Peel the kiwifruit and slice it thinly.

2. Mix the honey and olive oil well.

3. Dip the kiwifruit slices in the honey and olive oil mixture and apply it on the face for 15-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Effect: Cleanse pores, effectively prevent acne, and moisturize the skin.

Jianning Kiwifruit
