

时间:2024-08-28 19:52来源:编辑

Yongan red mushroom

Introduction to Yongan Red Mushroom

Red mushroom is a nutritious food, but so far, it has been unable to be artificially cultivated. It can only grow naturally with the Decaisnea insignis tree. With the reduction of natural forests, the price of wild red mushroom has been soaring. Yongan Red Mushroom has excellent quality and is a high-end cuisine for soup cooking and noodles. The soup is sweet and clear, and the color is festive and beautiful.

What are the Nutritional Values of Yongan Red Mushroom?

1. Red mushroom contains protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, and rare niacin in other foods, as well as trace elements such as iron, zinc, selenium, and manganese.

2. It contains several essential amino acids for humans, which have the functions of nourishing the yin, tonifying the kidneys, moistening the lungs, promoting blood circulation, nourishing the brain, and beautifying the skin. Regular consumption can strengthen the body, enhance longevity, and improve immunity.

3. About 25% of the protein contained in red mushrooms is soluble in water, and about 50% can be digested and absorbed by the human body. Only about 25% cannot be absorbed by the human body.

4. At the same time, it contains polysaccharides with anticancer properties, which are beneficial to blood circulation, reduce cholesterol in the blood, and inhibit the metastasis of cancer cells. It also has a certain therapeutic effect on acute spinal optic neurosis.

5. It can also prevent indigestion, rickets in children, improve normal carbohydrate metabolism and immune function in the body, and is helpful for reducing lactation, anemia, and cancer in women. It is a natural food with special therapeutic value.

What are the Product Features of Yongan Red Mushroom?

A real red mushroom has a dark red center and wrinkled cap, growing naturally with the Decaisnea insignis tree. The mushroom cap surface is a deep red color, while the bottom is light blue-gray with uniform gill folds. The mushroom stem is short and plump without a hollow center. A mushroom that is about to mature will fully open its umbrella-shaped cap, and a mushroom that is beginning to degrade will have a cracked cap that hasn't opened. Undeveloped red mushroom buds are sweet, tender, and palatable. Red mushrooms are easy to store, and after being sun-dried, they can last for a long time without deterioration. They also give off a fragrant aroma, which can be refreshing and pleasing to the senses.

What is the History of Yongan Red Mushroom?

In the southern Fujian area of China, red mushrooms are necessary for women during childbirth to supplement nutrients. It is also popular in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asian countries. As recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica, "Red mushrooms are clear and warm in taste and help to open the appetite, stop diarrhea, detoxify, tonify, and promote longevity when consumed regularly." Therefore, red mushrooms have been consumed by people since the Ming Dynasty. Red mushrooms have the effects of nourishing the spleen, liver, and blood, invigorating the stomach, and strengthening the kidneys. Local people often use red mushrooms to adjust their taste, stop diarrhea for children, and supplement their health during postnatal recovery. Therefore, red mushrooms are also called "Southern Ginseng."

How to Cook Yongan Red Mushroom

Red Mushroom, Yam, and Pork Rib Soup


1. Ingredients: 500g pork ribs (enough for four people), 500g yam, 50g red mushrooms, some ginger, salt, and cooking wine;

2. Boil the pork ribs in boiling water and remove the foam;

3. Put 2.5L of water, the pork ribs that have been boiled, ginger, and cooking wine in a soup pot (a clay pot is used here), and bring it to a boil;

4. Cut off the small part of the mushroom foot with soil and rinse the dried red mushrooms with cold water. Soak them in water for a while;

5. After the soup boils, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Add the yam, bring to a boil on high heat, and simmer for another 10 minutes;

6. Add the red mushrooms. After filtering the water used to soak the red mushrooms to remove impurities, boil over high heat for another 8-10 minutes.;

7. Finally, add salt to taste.

How to Identify Real Yongan Red Mushroom?

Until now, red mushrooms cannot be artificially cultivated, so it is a pure natural food.

The identification of red mushrooms can refer to the following five points:

1. Umbrella-shaped cap (important)

The top of the red mushroom's cap is deep red or dark purple, slightly deeper in color than the surrounding area, and may have yellow spots.

2. Stipe

The stipe of the red mushroom is solid, and only a few have wormholes in the mushroom foot during the flowering and releasing of spores.

3. Gills

Pay attention to the gills under the red mushroom's cap. The gills of the red mushroom are thicker and slightly silver-gray.

4. Soaking

The color of red mushrooms will fade when soaked, but the color will not be even, and the color-changing process is slow. The water will become clear.

5. Taste (important)

The red mushroom soup is sweet and delicious, but the mushroom itself is not very tasty, with a slightly astringent taste. Large pieces of mushrooms have a slightly coarse texture.

Yongan red mushroom
