

时间:2024-08-31 08:01来源:编辑

Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots

Introduction to Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots

Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots are made from high-quality wild bamboo shoots that have just broken through the ground in the bamboo forests of Sanqing Mountain. They are cleaned, sliced, boiled in water, and then dried in the sun.

What are the Nutritional Values of Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots?

Tests have shown that winter bamboo shoots contain protein, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and especially abundant plant cellulose. They can promote intestinal peristalsis, aid digestion, prevent constipation and colon cancer. As a high-protein, low-fat and low-starch food, winter bamboo shoots have good therapeutic effects on obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

What are the Characteristics of Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots?

The texture of these bamboo shoots is delicate and tender, with a refreshing aroma and pure and original flavor. They are rich in nutrition and are known as the "queen of bamboo shoots" and "a delicacy among vegetables".

What is the History of Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots?

Bamboo shoots are a traditional Chinese delicacy with a long history of consumption and cultivation. The Book of Songs contains poems such as "add the beans and bamboo shoots, garnish with fish and sauce" and "the sound of its creaking is like that of bamboo and papyrus", which illustrate that people have been eating bamboo shoots for 2,500 to 3,000 years. Legend has it that before King Cheng of Zhou died, he commanded Duke Zhao and Duke Bi to lead the nobles of neighboring states to acclaim King Kang. The guests were treated to a banquet of bamboo shoots, which shows that the banquet of bamboo shoots was quite grand at that time.

How to Make Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots?

Braised Pork with Dried Bamboo Shoots


Pork belly, dried bamboo shoots, appropriate amount of rock sugar, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce or dark soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, scallion, ginger slices, 2 star anises


1. Wash the pork belly and cut it into large pieces.

2. Soak the dried bamboo shoots in warm water for 3 hours in advance.

3. Put the pork belly into cold water and boil it over high heat, skim off the foam, and boil for 5 minutes.

4. Scrape off the residual hair on the skin after washing and cut it into appropriately sized small pieces.

5. After the dried bamboo shoots have been soaked and softened, cut them into pieces of suitable size.

6. Put the pork belly into the pot and stir-fry over medium heat until the meat pieces turn golden brown and fat oil is released. Pour off the oil, which can be used for cooking other dishes.

7. Use a small amount of rock sugar and stir-fry the pork pieces until the rock sugar gradually melts.

8. Pour in the dark soy sauce and stir-fry until the meat is evenly colored. Then pour in the light soy sauce.

9. Add two star anises. If you like the taste of Chinese prickly ash, you can also add a leaf of fragrant leaves or Amomum villosum.

10. Add scallion (the white part) and ginger slices. Stir-fry for a while and pour in enough water to submerge the meat.

11. You can transfer the ingredients to a pressure cooker for 10 minutes or cook in a clay pot for one hour. You can also cook the bamboo shoots and pork belly together. If cooking in a frying pan, cook the meat until it is 70% done, and then add the bamboo shoots and simmer for at least half an hour.

12. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and simmer over high heat until the sauce thickens. When thickening the sauce, do not stir-fry. You can hold the handle of the pot and rotate it to coat each piece of meat with the sauce.

Three Gorges Organic Dried Bamboo Shoots
